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agilent: DNA methylation
home services platforms agilent: DNA methylation

Epigenetic studies using differential methylation hybridisation (DMH) provide insight into DNA methylation on a global scale. As much of the methylation occurs in CpG Island regions, these types of arrays are often used for these studies, although CGH and promoter arrays can also be used depending on the nature of the experimental design.

There are two methodologies used to examine DMH. The first involves methylation sensitive restriction enzymes. The second involves an immunoprecipitation with a methylation-specific antibody (MeDIP). Both methods are currently acceptable. We do require that the restriction digest or the immunoprecipitation and subsequent amplification are performed prior to sending the samples. Both methods require a total of 2 ug of DNA. Please refer to the ChIP-on-chip service for more information about the caveats of ChIP-on-Chip if you are planning on following the MeDIP method .

Service includes:

  • Labelling of two DNA samples per array with cyanine-3 and cyanine-5
  • Hybridisation/washing/scanning of arrays
  • Spot quantification (Agilent Feature Extraction)
  • Feature Extraction output files sent to customer (FTP)

We also offer an optional data analysis service. Please enquire directly for more information.

Sample Requirement:

High quality purified amplified DNA is required for labelling. A total of 2 µg is required.

Pricing: Download
Please note that this pricing is for academic groups. Commercial customers should contact us for a quote.

Contact: Agilent Service at

Custom designs are also available.

DNA methylation study is also available on the UHNMAC array platform.